Muntah selepas makan Ubat HAART?

 Ola everyone!!!!

While waiting for my bus to arrive, so I decided to write a bit lor in my blog... 🤣

A guy pm me, he is about in his early 20.. Just diagnosed with HIV.. Dia pm nak tanya kenapa dia muntah selepas makan Ubat HAART.. Dia risau sebab tak pernah dia muntah lepas makan ubat..

HAART is an anti retroviral therapy drugs.. It is best to take the medication masa perut kosong.. Rule of thumb, makan 2 jam selepas makan.. So kalau kena makan ubat pukul 10 pm pastikan makan malam sebelum pukul 8 malam..

Satu lagi, try to avoid oily and spicy food for the first 3 months on HAART.. Makanan berminyak ni tak bagus, but let's be frank, sape je yang xsuka makan ayam goreng mcd yang pedas tu?? Angkat tangan! 😂 Avoid oily and spicy food.. Bila dah stabil, makan la.. But, with caution OK.. As a Plhiv you will have routine medical checkup.. Kalau taknak kene sekolah ngan doktor ID, jaga makan ok.. U can eat oily and spicy food, moderately..

And again, should this issue persist do consult your doctor.. Do not stop your medication.. Ingat tu........ 

Much ❤️


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