I will not give up!


Its 2.00 am in the morning.. My phone gallery is putting highlights picture.. Its hawkeye picture with his new hair..

That one was on April 2019.. He was having hair loss issue which ive advise him to check his shampoo or maybe he ia thinking too much.. He said he just switch to a demm pricey shampoo.. The initial one was elsives.. He show me the shampoo and it was RM100++.. I told him jokingly that i just use pantene only.. Cheap shampoo.. 🤣

But, his hair loss issue at that time was very worying.. He often scratch his head and his hair will falls and at times he can see strand of hair in his hand after scratching.. I always scolded him for scratching his head, but at times he becomes agitated.. He bluntly scold me back.. But i know he didnt mean it..

He always say that my husnuzon is at another level.. I prefer husnuzon than thinking of anything worst.. I will end up emotionally drained as i will kept thinking and thinking.. Anything that he says at times worries me, but i try to comfort him by giving him postive advise, support and at times crack a joke..

Tonight is quite emotional night for me.. Cant blame it on my phone gallery tho.. Gilo apo? Ya.. That is how close we are at that time.. He will ask my opinion like he asked her sister's opinion.. Which haircut suits him, which shirts suits him..

He is not fond of short sleeve shirt.. But actually he looks nice wearing anything.. He have broad shoulders so wearing short sleeve is not weird for me.. He asked me if he looks nice wearing those batik short sleeve shirt.. I said it is nice but not with soo many colours and motifs.. Demm i miss that kind of conversation with him..

I am a person that very attached to friend and family.. I am a cancerian.. Once i care about a person, it will sticks no matter how bad, how shitty the treatment i received.. Because every soul that i know is not cruel.. They have their own reason why they behaving such.. I just need to understand and give time.. True friend always understand and sincere.. Sincerity needs patience and patience really need time...

I am giving him all the space he wants, all the time he wanted.. Tho it hurts seeing his face knowing what actually happen to him.. Further cant help him directly.. I feel so demm helpless.. I only can gv him indirect support, back him up in the office, always comment on his whatsapp status, do anything that will ensure him that no one is ignoring him.. And he is not alone.. Eventho i act like i dont know anything because if that makes him comfortable and able to work, ill gladly do that... Acting clueless and ignorance..

As a person tgat always fond over family and friends, living a life apart from family is one of my lowest point of life.. And he was there heloing me go through my hardest time.. He never knew how much it meant for me and that what drives me, to try be by his side in case he needs me.. He is a very strong will person.. Which I adore that trait in him.. I hope i can export some to me.. 🤣

Enough of blabbing.. What an emotional day today.. Orang tengah sibuk2 sambut merdeka, kau menangeh kenangkan sobat baik kau.. 🤣

Please Allah, forgive his sins, grant him with happiness and health.. Bless him with tremendous courage.. Ammiiinnnn...

Till then..


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