What is HAART? Apa itu HAART?


What is HAART part 1.

Alrighty.. I am sure everyone who come to this page is trying to understand what is HAART.. Simply put, HAART is an acronym for Highly Active AntiRetroviral Therapy is actually combination of several medicines prescribe by the doctors to suppress the HIV replication in a patient body which need to be taken by the patient for life.. This treatment will not 100% killed the virus, instead it will suppress until the viral load in patient body is undetectable..

The virus is still somewhere in the body but it is not transmittable when it is at undetectable phase.. With a very very very important condition which is the patient need to consume HAART for the entire life eventhough they have been on undetectable state..

This is where i am so inspired by these special souls.. I've been diagnose with pulmonary tibi way back on 2007 when i was in UNIMAS.. I need to consume combination of 6 antibiotics (if i am not mistaken) for a year without fail.. And i do understand how it feels.. To consume the medication for entire life is speechless.. And all these medicines have it own side effects..

Once a person have been diagnose with HIV+ the doctor will proceed to prescribe HAART based on the blood test result. They will also asked about the plhiv's lifestyle so that taking HAART will not jeopardize the plhiv everyday life.. Remember, that there is short and long term side effects of the therapy..

Goals and Benefits of ART (Koh Kwee Choy, 2017)
ARVs cannot eradicate HIV from the human body nor cure HIV infection. The goals and benefits of ART include:
1. Reduce HIV related morbidity and mortality
2. Improve quality of life
3. Increase lifespan2,3
4. Restore and preserve immunologic function
5. Maximally and durably suppress viral load (VL)
6. Reduction in complications associated with HIV / AIDS such as wasting syndrome,
AIDS dementia and encephalopathy
7. Prevent HIV transmission to uninfected sexual partner and the unborn child
8. Prevent emergence of HIV drug resistance

That is the objective of HAART treatment.. I will continue in next entry on the very first step you need to take... A motivation...

For all the special souls or anyone who at risk of having HIV, you are not late at all.. Please.. Please do the blood test and start your treatment.. It can save your life as well as others who loved you.. Yes, it is tough and scary.. But, i know you are very brave and trying to gather strenghts by looking for the information.. Take your time but not too long ya.. Secrecy is number 1 priority.. Ganbatte!! I know you can..

See ya!


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