How i know Hawkeye is PLHIV?

Assalamualaikum and good morning...

Alrighty in this entry ill share with you how i know hawkeye is plhiv.. First and formost, again i'm stressing this.. I am straight normal blackwidow and i dont give a damn to other person sexuality.. For me, i am not in any postion to condemm, classing people or judge people on their sexuality or how they want to go through their life... It is their own choice and i believe they are grown enough mature enough and smart enough to live their own life..

Thus, ill appreciate no judgement towards my choice to be Hawkeye's confidant and Hawkeye's way of life before.. It dosent matter as past is past.. We cant press rewind button to go back time.. The most important thing is now and the future.. Like Hawkeye once said, no point of regretting anything now..

At first at knowing him, he is a guy with a serious looking face and eyes.. Itu mata jarum juga ada taruk.. Yes, very piercing stare... But he is funny, crazy and mischievous inside.. Which i appreciate it so much!

Ok, i'm not sure how but we do click instantly.. I love to laugh and i found his sarcasm very funny.. From there we texted and share our stories.. Everyday.. Then one day he tell me he is having undiagnose illness.. Which the doctor have advise him to do further checkup.. But he hesitate as he afraid what will be the result.. As a confidant, ive advise him to do the further checkup and told him if there is any health concern, early detection and prevention will help in recovering.. He still hesitate but i believe he listen as at last he do the further checkup..

After that i realize that he always having fever, he mentioned loss of hair, fatigue and at time he having mental breakdown.. I know he is keeping something from me, but i dont have courage to ask him.. I afraid i might hurt his feelings and he would not want to friend with me anymore..

After his first checkup on March, i realize he taking vit b complex everyday at 9 pm. He didnt tell me it is vit b complex, but from the pungent smell i know it is. I did asked him what did the doctor tell him about his illness, he said nothing, just taking blood for bloodtest only.. He said he is ok, but my hunch said he is not..

Then, One Fine Night..


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