
Showing posts from October, 2022

Why Crying Is Important for your mental health?

Ola Everyone!!     People always look at crying as a symbol of weakness. It was thought of as a negative reaction. In fact crying is the earliest form of communication. Kita berkomunikasi dengan menangis masa kita baby dulu, ingat? We dont know how to communicate when we were born, and crying is the only method of communication at that time. Menangis tu macam satu tindak balas badan terhadap sesuatu perasaan (selalunya sedih la, gembira, terharu pun ada).  Ada orang yang tak menangis bertahun-tahun sampai dia lupa macam mana nak menangis. Sampai dia stuck, tak tahu macam mana nak express perasaan dia.. ada banyak sebab kenapa seseorang tu tak mampu nak menangis.. salah satu sebab adalah kerana post traumatic stress disorder dan major depressive disorder. Ada juga yang simpan dan 'mute'kan perasaan tu dalam2 sampai dia lupa cara nak menangis.  So, kenapa menangis ni penting? Apa kebaikan menangis ni? I dont know you, but I feel pity to people who cant cry.. because I will feel s

Muntah selepas makan Ubat HAART?

 Ola everyone!!!! While waiting for my bus to arrive, so I decided to write a bit lor in my blog... 🤣 A guy pm me, he is about in his early 20.. Just diagnosed with HIV.. Dia pm nak tanya kenapa dia muntah selepas makan Ubat HAART.. Dia risau sebab tak pernah dia muntah lepas makan ubat.. HAART is an anti retroviral therapy drugs.. It is best to take the medication masa perut kosong.. Rule of thumb, makan 2 jam selepas makan.. So kalau kena makan ubat pukul 10 pm pastikan makan malam sebelum pukul 8 malam.. Satu lagi, try to avoid oily and spicy food for the first 3 months on HAART.. Makanan berminyak ni tak bagus, but let's be frank, sape je yang xsuka makan ayam goreng mcd yang pedas tu?? Angkat tangan! 😂 Avoid oily and spicy food.. Bila dah stabil, makan la.. But, with caution OK.. As a Plhiv you will have routine medical checkup.. Kalau taknak kene sekolah ngan doktor ID, jaga makan ok.. U can eat oily and spicy food, moderately.. And again, should this issue persist do consu

Ruam selepas makan ubat HAART?

 Aloha.................................... Yikes, spiderwebs are everywhere.. hahaha.. It such a long time since my last post. I really want to write back but whoaaaa, so many things come up. But, I still advocate and also provide simple consultation for newly diagnose PLIHIV. Recently, I received multiple questions on the same issue. The side effect of HAART, more specifically rashes after consuming HAART. I would like to emphasize that the level of side effects can be differ from one person to another.. ada yang side effectnya macam-macam.. tapi hilang selepas 1 bulan on HAART. Ada yang sampai kesudah side effect tu ada setiap kali makan HAART. Lain-lain badan lain penerimaan ok.  So, mild rashes after consuming HAART specifically efavirenz (yellow tablet) are normal. Usually, the rashes will occur 2 weeks or so after consuming HAART. The rashes can be only arm or leg area or can be all over the body and slightly itchy. The rashes will go away after 2-3 weeks. Do apply calamine lotio