
Showing posts from July, 2019

One Fine Night...

Continued from last entry... I found a flyer under his desk.. We are working that day and he sat next to me.. Flyer fall out from his bag.. I take it and i open it just out of curiosity.. The first word i see is HAART.. i dont know what is that stands for.. As i read it is sone sort of medication or theraphy.. It didnt say anywhere in the flyer about hiv.. While reading, he snatch the flyer from me.. Looking panic and i started asking him.. Him : mana ko dapat ni? Me : kertas ni terkeluar dr beg ko la smalam.. Beg tak zip kan. Aku tgk la.. What is that Hawkeye? Him : nothing it is about my medication. Me : HAART? medication ape meh? Him : untuk hati. Haart kan? (he is a terrible liar) Me : ye ke? Him : iye.. (while he keep the paper inside his bag) I didnt probe further afterwards as i dont like to push him.. we continue do our work.. He finished his shift earlier than me, so he go back first.. While waiting for my train, i google the word HAART.. To my shocked it

How i know Hawkeye is PLHIV?

Assalamualaikum and good morning... Alrighty in this entry ill share with you how i know hawkeye is plhiv.. First and formost, again i'm stressing this.. I am straight normal blackwidow and i dont give a damn to other person sexuality.. For me, i am not in any postion to condemm, classing people or judge people on their sexuality or how they want to go through their life... It is their own choice and i believe they are grown enough mature enough and smart enough to live their own life.. Thus, ill appreciate no judgement towards my choice to be Hawkeye's confidant and Hawkeye's way of life before.. It dosent matter as past is past.. We cant press rewind button to go back time.. The most important thing is now and the future.. Like Hawkeye once said, no point of regretting anything now.. At first at knowing him, he is a guy with a serious looking face and eyes.. Itu mata jarum juga ada taruk.. Yes, very piercing stare... But he is funny, crazy and mischievous inside.. W

With The Name of Allah...

Assalamualaikum... Yes, that is right.. I am a confidant for my dear Best Friend Till Death Tear Us Apart (BFFTDTUA) who is a PLHIV and a PLU as well... What makes me start the blog is to record everything memories that I have with my best friend, his journey as PLHIV (secretly) from my point of view (also secretly) and my journey to support him (secretly at this moment) through his journey as PLHIV. OK, you might have BIG Q in your head, what with this SECRET word.. TBH, hawkeye didnt know that I know he is PLHIV.. He also got no idea that I know he is PLU... I am not PLU, I am straight.. but i am not in position to judge anyone of their sexuality.. it is not my job, it is Allah's job.. I am one of the luckiest person on earth for having him as my confidant.. he always makes me smile, makes my day and provide the best tips (and sarcasm) whenever i need it... Thank you Allah for lending me such a great guy as my BFFTDTUA.. I am not sure what he takes me for, but it dosent m