
Showing posts from October, 2019

Let Him Find His Happiness

Assalamualaikum... I guess i am not strong enough to support my best friend... I tought i have collected enough strength... But, i cried today... Today, i came to the office... Hawkeye is on off day today... Sit at his place seing his ceramic bowl, that sad feeling just come without being invited.... I keep telling myself that i should let him find his happiness... Thousand times... He deserve to be happy.. He is a good man.. Me being around dosent help much since he still have his self stigma.. I understand, it is not easy to accept the fact... I dont know what hapoen to me if i am at his shoes... I really hope that i can help at least support... But i dont think so he need me to be around... Me reminds him that he is sick.. And i dont think he likes that.. He wants to be just like other normal peeps... And seeing me will trigger him that i know he is not well... I always question myself, why me... Why do i have so much compassion and that deep feelings to him... Allah knows


Aloha…. We meet again… a motivation as introduction… WE CAN CHOOSE TO BE ORDINARY, AT TIMES ALLAH SHOWS US PATH TO BE EXTRAORDINARY… THE PATH MAY FULL OF THORNS, PAIN, TEARS AND TRIALS… BUT HE PROMISED US THERE WILL BE RAINBOW WAITING AT THE END OF THE PATH… HIS PROMISE IS REAL… PICK A PATH AND PUT OUR HOPES IN ALLAH…  To my dearest special souls, God shows you a path to be extra ordinary… A path to be a superhero not only to you, for your loved ones as well for others… Not everyone got a chance to be a special soul… it is a blessing in disguise… It is a first step for a better best YOU…  Yes, it is easy for me to say all this… I am not PLHIV, you may think I don’t understand what you are feeling right now… How hard it is, how difficult it is… Only YOU can feel it… But, I am a best friend of PLHIV and from him the special soul I got the inspiration to write… To motivate others… Why?? Because I want my Hawkeye to be happy, I want a world without stigma for him… So th


Be brave dear special souls, your bravery truly inspired me! Aloha all… Alrighty.. As promised, Ill share the early journey of a special soul.. I prefer to address a PLHIV as a special soul..    Why? Do you know it will need tremendous courage and bravery to take the first step? Hell lot! they deserve to be called special soul... To do the HIV test… For some people, it may sound just ordinary testing… For some who living high risk life, taking this test will need so much bravery, so much decision to make, so many things to be count in… It is like making life or death decision… To those special souls, bear in mind 1 thing… The earlier you know your status, the earlier you start your treatment… And ART treatment now is very effective in reducing the viral copy in your body… Then the faster you can achieve the undetectable stage… Undetectable stage is where you will not be able to pass the virus to others, example your spouse… Yes, saying it is e